Picnic Under The Old Willow Jigsaw Puzzle

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SKU: 41563
Bits Puzzles

Piece Count Selected: 500 Piece - 18" x 24"

This jigsaw puzzle is designed by Rosiland Solomon and available in multiple piece count. Pack a picnic basket and revel in the joy of a picnic under a willow tree!

  • Are puzzles like the Picnic Under The Old Willow Puzzle helpful for mental health?
  • Puzzles can boost your mental health through the release of dopamine. They are comforting and increase social ties when you work on them with friends.
  • How should I start the Picnic Under The Old Willow Puzzle?
  • Empty all of the pieces out of the box. Next, choose your puzzle method.Typically, it's easier to focus on the border and then go from there.
Piece Count Selected: 500 Piece - 18" x 24"

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